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Dysphagia Therapy für Dysphagie-Patienten
Dysphagia Therapy für Dysphagie-Patienten
Mit Informationen über den Schluckakt, die beteiligten Hirnnerven und Erklärungen zu Schluckmustern kommt diese App zu Dysphagie-Patienten.
Therapeuten können damit eine Übungsliste zusammenstellen, die sie ihren Patienten direkt per Mail zusenden können.
This handy pocket reference will help you select the right treatments to address the impairments you’ve diagnosed in your dysphagia patients. You’ll have easy access to information about anatomy, cranial nerves, treatment procedures, and patient handouts, making it easier to know what you’re treating and how.
Novice and experienced clinicians alike will benefit from knowing they’ve thought of all the options. You’ll love having all this information at your fingertips!
Key Features:
** Personalized options for therapy based on assessment results
** Customized home programs for patients
** Clinician & patient education tools built-in for quick reference
Three top dysphagia clinicians have teamed up with Tactus Therapy, the leader in adult rehab apps, to bring you up-to-date information to help simplify your life and get your patients participating in an active swallowing rehab program.
The app has 4 parts:
** Therapy Finder: input the impairments identified in your patients to see the therapy options that match best
** Assessment: learn about 9 components of the swallow with helpful information on anatomy, how to assess, and the clinical relevance
** Treatment: get the details on 45 different swallowing management techniques including exercises, sensory treatments, compensatory strategies, and therapy protocols
** Resources: information on cranial nerves, patient handouts, and anatomical drawings for education
“This app is so useful for the SLP in any setting who works with dysphagia patients. It is well-organized and easy to find what you are after. I appreciate the cranial nerve section and have used it in acute care to confirm my assessment and make sure I was not missing something. In the "Therapy Finder" the exercises, compensatory strategies, and maneuvers are all research-based and include clear instructions for both the SLP and the patient.”
- Brenda M. Arend, MA, CCC-SLP
App Authors: Yvette McCoy, MS, CCC-SLP, BCS-S; Tiffani Wallace, MA, CCC-SLP, BCS-S; Rinki Varindani Desai, MS, CCC-SLP
NOTE: This app is intended for use by trained dysphagia clinicians and students only. It is NOT a tool for people with swallowing disorders to self-diagnose or set their own therapy program. Please ensure you are a healthcare professional (speech-language pathologist, occupational therapist, dietician, etc.) licensed to provide dysphagia assessment and treatment before downloading or using this app.