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Dysphagia – so geht schlucken
Dysphagia – so geht schlucken
Eine App für Logopädinnen und Logopäden, die hilft, Patientinnen und Patienten über den Schluckakt aufzuklären. Anhand von Animationen, Bildern und Videos können der Schluckakt, die Bewegungen und Abläufe erklärt und veranschaulicht werden.
Zwar nur auf englisch verfügbar, aber die Erklärungen sollten innerhalb eines Therapiegespräches von den Therapeuten kommen.
Animations are of adult physiology and include:
• Normal Swallow, Lateral View
• Normal Swallow, A/P View
• Example of Penetration with Aspiration
• Impairment of Anterior Hyoid Excursion
• Impairment of Bolus Hold
• Impairment of Bolus Transport
• Impairment of Epiglottic Movement
• Impairment of Esophageal Clearance
• Impairment of Initiation of Pharyngeal Swallow
• Impairment of Laryngeal Elevation
• Impairment of Laryngeal Vestibular Closure
• Impairment of Lip Closure
• Impairment of Mastication
• Impairment of PES Opening
• Impairment of Pharyngeal Contraction
• Impairment of Pharyngeal Stripping Wave
• Impairment of Soft Palate Elevation
• Impairment of Tongue Base Retraction
User Notes:
• Animations depict adult physiology, including normal swallow.
• Animations do not include narration. Visual tool only.
• The animations included in this app accurately represent the anatomy and physiology of normal and impaired swallowing function. They were developed in conjunction with the evidence-based "Modified Barium Swallow Impairment Profile," or MBSImP.
• Rarely does one physiologic swallow impairment exist alone. This app highlights primary impairments, but co-existing impairments typically occur and the examples shown here are no exception.
• Available for iPhone and iPad.