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Swallow RehApp

Swallow RehApp

Version: 1.1.3von RehApp Mobile Health, Inc

Eine englishsprachige App für Dysphagiepatienten. Mit Übungen, Hinweisen, Tipps und auch ein paar Anleitungen für Übungen.

Swallow Rehapp is the newest mobile-hosted application designed to be a natural and effective complement to the traditional swallowing rehabilitation regimen. It harnesses the power of mobile technology by providing patients with consistent exposure to their dysphagia exercise plan and related dysphagia education. Clinicians are able to customize the program in a manner that is specific to their patients’ deficits and track progress towards their goals.

Specific features of the program include:
** Dedicated education section with dysphagia pathology lab: This feature allows patients to better appreciate the nature of their disordered swallowing
** Journal: Includes time/date stamped record of exercises, rating scales, food journal and notes to their clinician
** Nutritional resources: Includes 7-day dysphagia diet with recipes and shopping lists
** Tutorial: Provides clear navigation of app for clinicians and patients
** Home exercise regimen

Rehapp is designed to be strictly utilized by healthcare professionals with dedicated training and expertise in dysphagia. It is NOT intended to be utilized by patients as a sole method for evaluating or managing their swallowing difficulties.

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Entwickler / Hersteller

RehApp Mobile Health, Inc