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Machbarkeit: Spiel mit Augenbrauen steuern
Machbarkeit: Spiel mit Augenbrauen steuern
Mehr eine Machbarkeitsstudie, denn eine sinnvolle App: Rainbrow. Durch Augenbrauen wird die App gesteuert, die daher ausschließlich auf einem iPhone X funktioniert.
Rainbrow is a game you play with your face! Your eyebrows control your character.
Lift your eyebrows up to jump up and lower them to jump down. Dodge enemies, collect stars, and get a high score!
Lot of enemies to dodge, including
• cars
• basketballs
• ducks
• various weather conditions
• spooky ghosts
...and more!
Watch out for a special powerup that gives your character rainbow eyebrows and the ability to destroy enemies in its path!
Rainbrow uses the TrueDepth camera system to track your eyebrow movements. As a result, the game cannot be played on devices without a TrueDepth camera system.
Having difficulty with the game recognizing your eyebrows? Try moving to an area with more light. Have fun!